Press & Feedbacks

A short silence and then a sweet, serene, satisfying song, a song of love and joy that makes us rediscover the everyday. And always her, it is always Erica to lead this game of music and words, this overwhelming performance and concludes his role with a final gift, a narration that seems to ask the reason of life, a prayer that recalls the voice of the desert, a message for a better tomorrow.” - Pier Luigi Cignoli

The mind, the only place - perhaps - still inviolate in the era of mass exposure, is the screen on which to project what music evokes and calls to the imagination, creating its own personal film, “PRIVATE”. ” - CS 3 Arrows

RTV San Marino

A magma of sensations evoked through the dialogue between the instruments, a continuous tension towards a distant point on the horizon, an ideal destination towards which Es Nova tend with this new work, the fourth of their career, entitled "Politika". Very surprising for quality and definition.” - Pier Alberto Ricci

Rock On

The song "Aion" is as good as a classic.”

Giancarlo Bolther

An amazing record”

Giovanni Trotta

Fourth work for the experimental and avant-garde anarchist collective. Landscapes sometimes almost cacophonic, more often close to an evolved and contaminated jazz rock, which not infrequently looks at certain courageous extremisms that were dear to Area, recited voice, hostile and abrasive sounds. Very interesting, certainly original.”

Antonio Bacciocchi

A melting-pot of jazz and contemporary music to intercept the deepest drives and make them emerge from the swamp of the unconsciousness. Es Nova offered us a more effective performance than a psychoanalytic therapy, provided that we can stand the comparison with ourselves. We have met the enemy, and the enemy is ourselves”

Patrizia Pacia

Visionaries, heretics, timeless dreamers. Psychedelic convulsions of sounds that become poetry. Where reason is desperate to find space and metaphysics dictates its laws. Es Nova: voice of the verb: Art”

Joseph Nenci

The challenge of impromptu music... this time in a rock key...”

Tribuna Politica